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Tvík logo,

the technology-powered

Icelandic teacher.


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Designed to get you to speak Icelandic.

TVÍK takes you through a digital 3-month course with everything you need to take your Icelandic from 'Ég skil smá!' to conversational.


What's included?

  • the 3-month digital course
  • access to grammar gym
  • access to grammar toolbox
  • access to our online learning community


  • Once you have finished all of the lessons, you have the option to receive a certificate of completion upon surviving the Final Exam a casual 15-minute Icelandic conversation over a cup of coffee (in-person or virtual) with one of our humans.

With Union Reimbursement

4,850 to 12,150 ISK

Check with your union or employer; most reimburse 75-90% of the costs of Icelandic courses.

Without Union Reimbursement

48,500 ISK

Not in an union? Get in touch for a personal 75% discount. Our mission is to make Icelandic learning more accessible, and we do not want your financial situation to be a barrier.

We are currently offering a limited amount of presale licenses. Keep an eye on the mailing list for updates!

Premium luxury package

All of the above, plus 12 private tutoring sessions with the TVÍK team after each course week. The absolute fast track to conversational Icelandic.

  • When will TVÍK be available?

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    We are starting a pre-sale round with the first month of lessons in September 2024 and will announce it on our mailing list. The full course will launch later in the year.

  • Can I not pay monthly?

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    TVÍK is a 3-month digital course, designed to be completed as a single journey, with a single storyline. Therefore, we only offer access to the course as a whole. We do wish it was less of a financial puzzle to run a start-up in Iceland, but go check with your union for a reimbursement and your employer for support, and let us know if your financial situation is a barrier to accessing TVÍK — we will help.

  • Do I need a smartphone?

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    For now, we have finished developing the learning platform to be accessible on most modern smartphones running iOS and Android, so you can take TVÍK everywhere (well, anywhere with a stable internet connection). If there is demand, we will consider adding web-based access; let us know!

  • Does TVÍK make me speak out loud?

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    No! Well, yes, but only in your own brain. TVÍK will make you construct sentences, but will not record you, as we have not found talking to your phone to be particulary effective in helping you build confidence. However, we are developing an optional Gym skill for you to practice pronunciation.

  • Is TVÍK for everyone?

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    TVÍK is ideal for those who have attempted learning Icelandic but are stuck between vocabulary-heavy apps and grammar-focused classes. If you're entirely new to the language, the learning curve will undoubtedly be steeper, but don't worry——TVÍK is equipped with every tool you'll need along the way. We also hope you're quite comfortable reading English.

  • Can I buy TVÍK for my employees?

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    Yes! Get in touch via email or +354 7645707.

  • What is the story of TVÍK?

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    After months of struggling to piece together a single sentence in Icelandic, even with a decent grasp of the vocabulary, Gamithra found herself thrown into the deep end of the pool working on a remote sheep farm in North Iceland where she had no chance other than to make all the mistakes she needed to gather the courage to speak to real humans. She daydreamed of combining her background in coding with the idea of throwing people in imaginary sheep farms, and in 2022, this vision won her Gulleggið, the largest idea competition in Iceland. The project has been in development since, fueled by grants from Rannís, Fræðslusjóður and Atvinnumál kvenna.

Humans of TVÍK

TVÍK is not built by Icelanders. TVÍK is built by people that learned Icelandic through blood, sweat and sheep s%@t to figure out what works and what doesn’t.


Gamithra Marga

unclear, sits and drinks coffee? no one knows

FAVOURITE TECHNOLOGYdishwashers, Windows XP and Disco Elysium


Yevhen Bilyi

Yevhen Bilyi


writes magic symbols on a screen

SPEAKSUkrainian, Python, JavaScript, and to ChatGPT


Johann Marga

Johann Marga


draws pictures of strange machines and hologram sheep

FAVOURITE COLOURSmonk orange, pebble gray and #000000


Derek Terell Allen

Derek Terell Allen


figures out how to make Icelandic learnable again

FAVOURITE LINGUISTIC CONCEPTthe buttery grammar layers of the African-American Vernacular


Richard Annilo

Richard Annilo


tests, breaks, and tries things

FAVOURITE ICELANDIC WORDSlaugardagur, tölva, eldhús



Klaus Jancis


produces bloops and bleeps and bad beats

FAVOURITE SONG"Electric Counterpoint (Movement 3)" by Steve Reich
Sign up for updates

This is how you can find about when we launch, so now is a good time to sign up!

Tvík logo

TVÍK ehf. 490522-0690

+354 7645707